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Indian (International) SP - Constitution (4)

In this article, I discuss my model of Constitution of Indian (International) SP. We may need a Separate Constitution/set of rules for the formation of Self-government within Indian(international ) Students. The following Constitution is inspired from "International Students Union" of Norway, in Oslo.

Please read the "Constitution of ISU-Norway " before proceeding. I will be making few changes. Otherwise both are same .
(image courtesy : )
   1. Objectives :

.The Indian (International) SP is an independent, democratic,
non-profit, non-partisan student-run organization that is committed to the interests of all Indian( international) students studying at Medical University. Indian (International) SP embraces diversity and welcomes all students to its activities and proceedings. It does not discriminate nor promote on the basis of race, religion, creed, gender, political or sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, language fluency, nationality or country of origin (in case of formation of International SP )

§ 2.  Organization
  The Organisation of Indian (International ) SP may be divided into

 1) Local Assembly
 2) Executive Board
 3) Administrative Board.

3. Informations about Local assembly :

§ 3.1: The Local Assembly (LA) is the highest decision making body of Indian (International) SP ( ISP hereafter ) The LA is responsible for the implementation and adoption of the following year’s action plan, the approval of the annual financial report,according to the budget applied for by ISP . The LA has the authority  to give approval of the proposals and Executive Board’s work and release from any responsibility after the end of the parliament session . The LA will be chaired by a person with no active stake in ISP.

 If a neutral third partyis unavailable to act as a chairperson for the LA, then the LA may elect a chairperson from among the Parliament members, who is trusted to show no bias. Under such circumstances, that chairperson will lose his/her voting rights.

All Local Assemblies will take place in University Campus ( or the place where National Assembly meet ).

Persons involved in making it possible :
Organisational consultant : who organises the session , event , etc
Chair Person : who plays a intermediary role in the parliament sessions.
Parliament members: who have the voting rights and proposal rights
Observers : Students who have the freedom to speak and propose

(summary : Formation of Local Assembly , according to which all reforms and policies are made by proposal and discussing it and passing it to the Executive Board to implement it or make it available to University )

§ 3.1.1:
The LA consists of:
a) Parliament Members with speech, proposal and voting rights (Voting rights should be uniformly transferred
among all year students. )
( I have two views regarding the selection of Parliament members

1) One /two person (s) from each course selected by all students by election of all students of that particular
course / or by group leader (s) of groups in that particular course

2) All the group leader (s) in all courses can have voting rights. Group leader (s) (one or two ) should be selected
within the groups themselves.

b) Observers with speech and proposal rights:
     Any student can come for meetings and can speak out their views in sessions, with getting prior permission
 from Chair person.

Anybody with the proposal rights can propose an idea or regarding policies.
All the proposals should be submitted to a ORGANISATIONAL CONSULTANT , who will made it available to all for reading and may be discussed during the sessions and voted upon. It can be changed , and final draft will be presented to the Executive Board
to proceed further.

§ 3.1.2:
The LA can decide when meetings or parts of meetings should be closed door
meeting (Parliament Members alone or with observers too ) with an absolute majority vote.

§ 3.1.3:
LA has the necessary quorum when at least 80% of the delegates are present.
Simple majority decides LA’s resolution. The number of voters in the room must be
counted before the start of each round of voting. No voting delegates are allowed to enter or
leave the room until the voting round is completed. If not in the room when
discussions start, delegates will not have voting rights for that particular issue.
The following procedures require a simple majority of the LA;

    Approval of LA’s resolution or resolutions,
Appointment of a Chairperson to the LA,
Acceptance of the meeting schedule and agenda,
Reopening a closed meeting schedule or agenda &
Accepting changes made to the reopened meeting schedule or agenda.

§ 3.1.4
 Roll call (attendance) will take place each day of the Local  Assembly , Adminstrative Board and  Executive Board Meetings. If a Parliament member misses two total roll calls without a valid excuse, they can be denied further voting  and proposal rights for a few sessions. (decided upon discussion)

§ 3.1.5: LA can, with a two third majority vote, deny parliament members their rights given to them in §3.1.1

§ 3.1.6: A vote of 50% or more gives the decision of the Local Assembly. All extraordinary proposals , that require a vote must be given in writing to the Organizational Consultant. Organizational Consultant may make the parliament member aware of the proposal and for Organizing Local Assembly meeting regarding the proposal. When there is a tie, President can have the decisive role in such instances.

§ 3.1.7: The Executive Board calls for a Local Assembly once or twice each academic year.
An extraordinary Local Assembly can be called by , in case of need.  

4. Executive Board :
§ 4.1 :: The ISP Executive Board (ISP EB) is elected by the National Assembly to be its representative.
 ISU EB meets at least two times per month. The Executive Board shall consist of
 1. President
 2.Vice President

4.2 : Local Assembly has the leading authority over Executive Board. Executive Board is just the executive body in SP. In some  special circumstances, Executive Board can have authority over Local Assembly (disscusable )

4.3 :  In cases where the  President is not available for important events or periods, the Vice President shall serve as his/her representative and shall be granted the authorities of
 President on an interim basis. ISP Administrative Board members (including Executive Board members )  are elected for a period of 1 year, after which new elections are held.

(Practical approach : Elections for Executive Board should be delayed , if a new parliament with Consititution is started.
It can have "Board of Directors " at first for a period of one or two year (s).( Indians those who are inside the Armenian SP now , for ease of formation of Parliament with powers and finance , and to prevent chaos among Students , It also prevents Power
play in elections )

Other duties of Executive members is subjected to discussion.
5. Administrative Board :

 5.1 : Administrative Board is elected by Local Assembly . Administrative board consists of
1) All members of Executive board
2) Treasurer
3) Chairman/chairperson
4) Organisational consultant
5) (optional) Deputy chairman.

5.2 : Role :
1) Preparing annual reports for finance and sessions.
2) Organisational Consultant , is responsible for gathering people for assembly and related assembly works (proposals , etc )
3) Meeting between them happens frequently , whenever needed.
4) Decisions at Administrative Board , should be , by voting means. In case of tie, President have the decisive role.

5.3 : Inorder to run for the Administrative Board or EB board,the student should be presently enrolled in University and a current student of it.

6. Elections :
A person is elected with a majority of 50% + 1 vote of the votes cast. If there are more than two candidates and none of them receive the necessary majority, the candidate thatreceived the least number of votes is stricken and a new round of elections wi
ll be arranged.
This will continue until one candidate is elected

7. Committees/ Departments :
7.1 ; I propose following committees / Departments /Persons to be responsible for particular work , are but not limited to ., :

1) Admission, visa and Alumni support committee
2) Academic Committee
3) Students Scientific Society
4) Cultural , Festivals, and Graduation Day organising committee
5) Food Department or Committee (controversial )
6) Election Committee 
7) Social and Communication Committee 
(they communicate with the SPs of Other Universities and keep them in touch with their activities)

 I have already discussed about all these Committees in the previous article.

8. Finance :
8.1 :The Administrative Board will once a year prepare a Financial Report to the LA for presentation and approval. This Financial Report will contain the audited financial accounts of the previous year and a preliminary budget. In addition the Administrative Board should inform the LA about any major changes in the financial situation that may occur during the financial year.
8.2  : This is the crucial section of Finance, as we are not sure, whether the University will provide funds for our needs. So, we should be ready to deal with the situation. we may get our economic resources from (but limited to ) :
 1) University  ( part of funds of Armenian SP or a separate fund ? )

 2) Indian ( Iranian , other International ) Embassies ( A lot of embassy functions are organised and supported by Indian students , so we may ask for the welfare fund of the Indian student community in Yerevan )

3) Grants

4) Crowdfunding from Students, Alumni , etc

5) As I have spoke about it in the previous section, some person can assisst new students to join here in our University for help and they can be charged a nominal amount which could help SP.
All the amount got from those students, should only be used for SP activities.

6) If there is some profit from conducting ICN, that money may be used for SP .

8.3 : The finacial year starts from September (or when the fund comes ) to other year .

9.Impeachment Procedures:
§ 9.1: Impeachment of the Administrative Board Members :
An Administrative Board member can be removed from their positions by a two thirds majority of the LA incases of financial fraud or any other behavior that goes against the constitution or principles of ISP.

10 .Amendments to the Constitution:
§ 10.1: Amendment proposals should be sent to the Administrative Board (Organisation consultant) at least 1-2 weeks before the LA.
§ 10.2:
Amendment proposals require a two-thirds majority of the LA to become statute.
§ 10.3:Amendments to the constitution will come into effect at the close of the voting session.
Anything not covered by the ISP Constitution can be decided by unanimous agreement among the Administrative Board
§ 11: Dissolution of ISP:
Dissolution of ISU is possible if all parliament members are present at LA and unanimously decide to dissolve ISP. All property and resources will be returned to their origin.

This is my proposal for the Student Parliament, which is inspired from International Student Union of Norway . I, hereby declare, I dont have any benefits in doing so. 


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