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Indian (International) SP - Reasons for failure of Previous Unions (and Solutions ) (2)

In this article, I am going to analyse the reasons for failure of formation of  Previous Student Unions and Parliament among Indians specifically .  There had been many instances taken to form a separate SP for Indians in University , Students at that time , tried their level best. But , the time spent in developing it or making it reach the student themselves was not possible. ( It remained like a Some Regional and State Governments fighting within themselves for power and never really worried about farmers or people ( pun intended ) ). There had been instances to form facebook groups within specific peoples, for sharing informations and to stay united. There had also been instances , where people joined hands for Chennai flood, Christmas and Diwali Celebrations by themselves for a cause. But , that didnot last for long.
(img courtesy : pixabay )


1) Fluctuation of number of Students admitted every year. There is no rule for the University regarding how many foreign students, it can admit every year. (As do regarding the fees for the International Students ) . So, we cannot maintain or form a parliament of Union for few people. It makes the efforts unneccasary.
(Solution : We should structure the Union/Parliament , in a way that , it can even function with less number of people )

2) Power Play. There is always some kind of power play or competition between gangs and students , who would be superior to the counterpart. It should always be a productive one , making a competitive environment for growth. But , it wasnt such instances that happened.
(Solution : The Power of President ( Leader ) is always associated with responsibility and he should be always aware of that and should be  elected democratically . He should be aware that there is always a chance for impeachment. But before having all those elections and all those things, there should be a framework formed first ) 

3) No Rules. Whichever Union or Parliament that had been formed, never had a constitution , insights and policies in first place. They were just united without any well defined cause.
(Solution : There should be constitution and changes, if needed to be made, should be based on voting democratically.

4) Not a Democratic one. No Union /Parliament till now had a President ( Leader ) selected democratic . Not all students, were a part of those systems. Only a few members decide things themselves. And the people who are standing for elections for different positions , should be aware of all things that happens in University and willing to spend their time for SP's activities. They should manage their personal time accordingly.
(Solution : Simple , Just make it a democratic one. Let this information be passed to all. Everyone , in someway should be , a part of decision )

5) Indians , specifically , never took part in any other activities than studies during School.
Indian students , were taught to be a good memorizing machine and concentrate only on classes, textbooks. These things may be new to them. The education, way of examination etc are a new to them. As such , is the concept of SP. Only few Schools may have sport houses and few students in such environment. So, being aware of these things is essential for betterment of their education abroad

Whatever we talk, there will always be a lot of reasons for its failure. I would discuss those future events, which may be a problem in the following  articles .

(I dint intent to refer anyone or hurt anyone . This is just analysis of what happened and is happening )


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