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Indian (International) SP - Target Peoples and their Benefits(3)

Target people and their benefits from creating SP and the Basic Framework of how Indian (International) SP in Our University should be , is being discussed here. Know that , it is just my PROPOSAL of how SP should be and it is not an official thing. Everything is subjected to change according to time, place and relevance of situation and it should be discussed and then sort it out.


1) Students who seek admission in University
2) First year students
3) Current Students
4) Alumni

Benefits :

1) Students who seek admission in University
 a) They should be provided with the correct details of the University and about life and education of International Students in Armenia (lot of consultancies are advertising fake news about University ) ( A blog may be created and every information should be posted and updated )

 b) To provide them support in giving them information about entrance examination patterns and portions to students. This way , the interested students may directly approach Armenian embassy consulate in Delhi / Chennai , in gaining admission. This creates a way for deserving students to seek admission here, without the need for Consultancies and their fake advertisements. (Options are getting meagre fees for these services , it even supports activities of SP financially ) ( A blog with info, and a person for support in these issues can be formed ) .

( c) This one is controversial idea to think about. I ,even prefer, not to talk about it. But , as it is just ideas we are discussing about, I will just let it out.  University may be questioned for the reasons, why the fees for the International Students alone are rising year by year (difference of about 500 dollars ) . It is a State University of a Government, it would be reasonable , if there is a little rise for english speaking faculty. But , why is there a rise of more than 500 dollars per year every year. So , how much of it are being spent for International (Indian ) Students Education and Welfare ?
I dint know why I even included this one here.  We knew the reason from the starting. Never talk about it to the University officials, then you may never be able to form a Union or Parliament :P  Better lets go into a Developmental Union at first  than a questioning one .)

2) First year students :

 a) Making them acquainted with University life , procedures. We may create a pamplet which shows where the corresponding departments and libaries are.

 b) Creating a good raport between first year students and seniors by creating events like Freshman Party , Ice breaker, sports events, etc ( instead of some other means )

3) Current Students :
(pic courtesy : sanwaldeen (

 a) Academic -

* to be a part of Universities' Decision on Educational Policies regarding Indian (International) Students.

* helping to create an online portal (intranet) for education with online libraries, student discussion forums , video lectures from professors etc. (Ofcourse it is costly, even the collection of university materials and uploading it in google drive can be done and it is affordable )

* creating an armenian questionarre for Indian (International) students , who are yet to go to clinics. Students lack in clinical knowledge , just because of the language. These hurdles are tried to be eliminated by increasing the number of hours of classes in armenian department. But I have an idea to sort out this issue. If we create a questionarre (like what is your name, where is it paining and how is it paining ) and listing possible answers for it in armenian, makes it easy for students to converse with patients in armenian.  I and one of my other friend , tried to attempt it , but we had time constraints in doing it.

 * to bring changes in materials of the subjects and to make it more clinically relevant. (These changes should be made gradually (sudden changes may create chaos ) )

 * to bring changes in questions of the subjects.( same.. not to do anything suddenly )

 * to have more practical classes in the subjects ( in biochemistry , most of the students were not taught practicals like analysis of proteins, lipids , etc. Pathanatomy and Histology engages students to  do more practicals but lack of clinical significance and lack of availability of practical handbook , is unfortunate. These things are not the fault of departments , it is also the lack of interest of students in learning these subjects. Students are not motivated enough / lack interest in studying and doing practicals )

 * to have a even a "Small Scholarship fund" for Indian (International) students (I am not sure this would ever happen , but still we can even try to crowdfund it ) This would motivate students to study better. Few issues about it would be discussed in "Finance" section of Consititution (next article)

 * to organize "Graduation day " for graduated students or collabrating with the Armenian Student Parliament in doing it.

 * to organize and take modern version of "Hippocratic oath" in English/ Russian for particular medium students.

 b) Scientific Society -

  * creating a Scientific society among Indian (International) Students is important . Attending classes and writing exams alone does not provide enough knowledge. It is important to have a local Scientific society for discussion of things in "ENGLISH ". Lot of such  meetings happens, but  will be in Armenian . There should be a English meetings within International (Indian) students, regarding educational policies .

 * Organisation of student clubs, journal clubs, debates and conferences. There are lot of Student Conferences being held in our University. But , either the information is not delivered properly or there is a lack of motivation of students in enrol in such activities. ( Include more students in activities , organization , etc )

 * Exploring Research Opportunities in our University. Few departments are actively engaging in Research ( Department of Biochemistry, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology , Physiology , etc ). They do researches based on the grants they receive. Only few students are given placements. Basically , all researches will be based on Brain Pathology and related with Brain. If I can, I will post a separate article about it. But , you can approach particular departments regarding it. Indian (International ) SP can help students in gaining placements in researches.

 c) Social events :

 * Social events like visiting orphanages , visiting armenian villages ( Hayarpi mam for philosophy organises these things ) , taking a particular city and cleaning it, etc. It may create a closeness between Indian (International ) students and Armenians a good relationship.
Conduct tours for first years and tours inbetween to know Armenia better. ( Ofcourse get money for these )

 * Awarness about smoking ( making a resolution not to smoke inside the University Campus) , remembering days of Armenian Genocide, etc., 

 d) Visa help for expelled / academic leave students ( One person can be appointed for this cause )

 e) Cultural events :

 * As discussed in previous article, ( for Indians ) Cultural events like Diwali, Pongal, Ramzan, Christmas, etc, should be celebrated either in Hostel or in University

 * Here, I would like to talk a little bit about ICN (Indian Cultural Night ). The heritage and tradition of this event , is more than a decade old. It is ALWAYS (as far as I have heard ) conducted by sixth year students .It not only happens in Yerevan, it happens all over the post soviet countries mostly ( some years, it happens, and some years it doesnt ). I think its better to leave this tradition be.
   BUT,  I think we should make sure, nobody gains profit for themselves in the name of Indian Heritage and work of many people to make it possible . All such accounts should be made public. Only those who are ready for it, can organise it. Profit from this event , if there is, should be used for welfare of the Indian Students in Yerevan. There had been instances where Indian Business Man in Yerevan , wanted to organise ICN with students support as a commercial event.  I think , its better to leave the tradition with sixth year students to invest it and donating the profit to welfare of Indian Student Community. I am not sure, its practically possible. But its just my idea and proposal for Students. Accepting it or leaving it is their decision.

 f) Food Department/ Committee :

This is one such Department , that had been encroaching my mind with lots of ideas. It is a difficult process to start and it is unrealiable to maintain . Thats why I have placed it at last. One problem that is faced by Indian community in Yerevan is Food. In India, Universities like Bharadhidasan University have a special department (committee ) for Food. There will be group of Students managing it.

A Cook/chef will be appointed to cook food and the University provides them space. Students will auction for supplying cooking supplies to be provided to their cooking space for an year . There will be helpers for chef in cooking . All accounts will be managed by students council. The students will be charged fees for food. I am not sure, whether the same model could be applied here. It needs investment and more work. But It can be made to work, if some good hands join together. Even "Mess " with low cost can be done.

A hungry student can never study better. I believe so. This is also just my proposal for students .

4) Alumni

 * Recognistion of Alumnis. Lot of Alumnis from our University are in high positions in India and other countries. They have established Hospitals and Institutions in India. Some are working in Ministry of various countries. You can approach them and make them give students motivation to study by Live video conferences or such like. ( You may even ask some donation for Finance, if its possible :P )

 *  A lot of Medical University's alumnis may need certificates or request Archives department to send specific certificates for State Medical Council (or ECFMG , for example) If some students can assist them in getting the certificate,  it may be useful for Alumni community.  There arent a lot of alumnis needing it. But It will be a small help for them. ( You should have a power of attorney to do these things to get it in your hand and posting it to them (if they need for themselves ) ) ( I am not sure, we can legalize their certificates in this way, but I think its possible )

Next Article, may talk a brief introduction of my proposal of Constitution of Student parliament (Union )


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