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Indian (International) SP - Why do we need a Separate Student Parliament ?

Indian Students in Yerevan (International Students, in general ) , need a student body to represent themselves , get their rights and to take part in the decision making process in student education policy and other aspects in the Medical University. There were lot of attempts to make it possible , but all ended up in vain.

This set of  articles are bit lengthy and I tried to analyse the reasons for the failure . I also tried to do a model and suggestions regarding the formation of Parliament (Union).


   (image courtesy: )

1) As a part of the Student Society in Armenia ( atleast in Medical University ) , our thoughts, ideas and hearings should be heard and we also should be a part of formation of "Our Educational Policy "  Armenian Student Parliament in our University, has its own body and it plays a role in the formation of Armenian and International Student's Educational Policy (some Indians and International students are in SP , But are they working hard enough for the reformation of Education ? ) . They try their level best, but I think, still our needs and essentials arent met well. It can be noticed from the textbooks and questions, which havent been updated , since a long time.

2) A lot of departments in the University are undergoing changes , to make subjects clinically oriented. Few such are Department of Pathophysiology , Anatomy , etc. But still some departments lacks those developments. We cannot force Departments to change, but we can form an " academic committee " in our SP to get the materials developed, holding academic meetings , discussions and case presentations , for our own betterment.

Example scenario : Microbiology department , just focuses mostly on microbes and things about them. But Clinical Scenario will be missing in what we are taught. For example, We  never know, the differences between coagulase positive and coagulase negative Staphylococci , Do we ? These things can be clarified and learnt only by discussions between students . These things cannot be arranged by University. Students have to form themselves study groups for this kind of discussions . Indian (International) Student Parliament can help in forming such academic relationships between students.

3) Engaging Students in a positive environment to study. Indian (International ) Students' problems is not well understood by the present SP, as it is different culturally and everyone's ideas ( Indian and International Students)  for solution should be heard . Promoting Research, assisting in researches, engagement in conferences , extra-curricular academic meetings, engaging in practical classes are less , among  Indian students. The results are also going downwards every year. Students are not motivated enough to study. These problems should be noticed , sort out and new policies should be made to engage students.

4) Our cultural aspects , festivals and traditions are less known and less embraced.
I ,here,  take Indian Culture and Festivals as an example.
Only few events like Diwali party , Department of Philosophy's inter-cultural events, food festival are celebrated. Diwali is celebrated only on Diwali party ( which never falls on the Day of Diwali ) and we usually sleep during the day of festival . Holi is only celebrated by some people.  Pongal (Sankaranthi) was less celebrated , in all these years . Ramzan and Christmas were also not celebrated by all . Irony is, even if such event happens in University , lot of Indian Students arent even aware of these happenings in University . Cultural events and Festivals are the way of communication between us and armenians. It also fulfills our psychological needs and gives us a sense of belonging to a group of people.

5) Current Indian (International ) Students undergo lot of difficulties regarding Visa, Resident card, etc and Alumnis with getting particular certificates . As we know, State Offices takes time to proceed things. It happens in our University too. International Co-operation Department, Archives Department , etc may take some time to reply for emails and requests regarding their request for visas etc. SP could have a person or group of persons for assisting these issues. It will discussed detailed later.
Example scenario : 1) One of my friend took an academic leave for health reasons . When he needed to come here again , he had to apply to the Armenian embassy for tourist visa . When he submitted all the relevant documents for proof that he was a student here and needed to continue his study , they sent a email to "International Co-operation Department " for verification purposes. The Department took some days to reply and by then , his visa application was rejected. Then, he had to fly Delhi , stay there for days to finish these things. If somebody was here to support him to suggest the Department to do it faster, it would have been faster.

If somebody may ask , whether there is such arrangement for these kind of Student bodies in other Universities, you may visit the following sites for more information ,

Norway International Student Union 
TSMU , Georgia doesnt have a separate International Student Union, but a lot of International Students in participation of activities
TSMU- Self Government

Summary :
We need Student parliament for, but not limited to
1) Our voice in formation of Student Policy and Education Policy of International Students
2) Creating a Academic Comittee for resolution of Academic issues related with education
3) Creating a positive environment for Indian (International ) Students to Study .
4) Cultural Relationship and Psychological Betterment.
5) Support for Current Students, Alumni , etc for Official matters.

I will write more issues and what would or could we do in such instances.

Next Article, discusses about the failure of the pre-formed Student Parliaments ( Unions ) among students.


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