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Police Certificate

After graduating from the university , Certificate from the Police is said to be necessary . I dont know the real reason for getting it.  I even asked to some seniors, they even dint knew the reason. They think, it may be needed for either mci or the regional state medical councils. I speculate, that it is something like non-objection certificate from the State or Country's Police Department about our character and we dont have any criminal cases  and proof of the "Attestation " paper issued by University (photos are given below ) So, better to spend a few bucks now, rather than to come here again , if needed.

Approaching for the certificate :
Show the following paper to the following places mentioned below to make them understand what we need .

Documents which are needed to be submitted:
1) Passport copy (with originals to show , if asked )
2) Resident card copy (with originals to show if asked )
3) Contract / certificate from university ( Usually they wont ask it, if they do , then you will have to provide it . I dint have these, but managed to get the certificate.  )

There are three ways to get your police certificate in Yerevan :
1) Department of State Authenitication and Apostille services ( I am not sure whether I have translated it right)
2) Central Police station besides the Republic Stadium
3) Kanaker Zeytun Police Station or Regional Police Station according to the place where you live

1) Department of State Authenitication and Apostille Services:
 It is located besides Republic square, in  Amiryan Street. I have linked following photos to show the place.

Its better to get your police certificate from here, because they issue our certificates in English . And you dont have to translate it again. It is only opened on few days ( wednesday, saturday and sunday are holidays ) and only on few hours  (10 - 12 am ) . So plan accordingly. They charge 5000 drams ( Get a token for application and pay the payment in payment portal machine there or in converse bank beforehand ) They take 2-3 days to issue the certificate.

2) Central Police Station :
It is located in Vratsyan street which is behind the Republic police station . Enquire about the location before hand. And show them the paper which I have posted above.

Central Police Station is one of the place where they are less problematic than the others. They ask us around 5000 drams ( I am not sure , whether it is official fees paid  to police ) .The document will only be in Armenian. You have to translate your police Certificate and get a Notary Public to  attestate it . They may take few days to issue.

3) Kanaker Zeytun Police Station or Regional Police Station :
Those who live in University dormitory, can approach Zeytun police station (near Ismirlyan hospital).
Others can approach their own regional police stations for the certificate (or tukhth ).
Zeytun Police Station usually asks a letter from university , regarding our status and place of living in hostel. You can approach International Co-operation Department (visa department ) regarding this issue.

If International Co-operation department people dint understand what you say, then show them this paper .

The letter from the International Co-operation Department should be submitted along with passport and resident card copies to the Police Station. They will also take few days to issue . It will also be in armenian. The person in the Zeytun Police Station will charge around 2000 amd.  Then, you have to translate it and get it attestated by a Notary Public. There are lot of such offices near Opera and Marshall Bagramyan Avenue.

The samples and examples are given below.


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