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Showing posts from July, 2017

Educational Links and Related

The following are the links related to education materials and we will try to update the links , as soon as we can . All University materials (as far as we have collected ) ( google drive link ) Telegram link for State exam preparation MCI related Books - 1st site (aim4pg ) MCI and Indian books download -2nd site (freemedworld) International Books download (medsouls4u)

Indian (International) SP - Constitution (4)

In this article, I discuss my model of Constitution of Indian (International) SP. We may need a Separate Constitution/set of rules for the formation of Self-government within Indian(international ) Students. The following Constitution is inspired from "International Students Union" of Norway, in Oslo.   Please read the "Constitution of ISU-Norway " before proceeding. I will be making few changes. Otherwise both are same . Constitution of ISU-Norway (image courtesy : )       1. Objectives :   .The Indian (International) SP is an independent, democratic, non-profit, non-partisan student-run organization that is committed to the interests of all Indian( international) students studying at Medical University. Indian (International) SP embraces diversity and welcomes all students to its activities and proceedings. It does not discriminate nor promote on the basis of race, religion, creed, gender, political or sexual orientation, marit

Indian (International) SP - Target Peoples and their Benefits(3)

Target people and their benefits from creating SP and the Basic Framework of how Indian (International) SP in Our University should be , is being discussed here. Know that , it is just my PROPOSAL of how SP should be and it is not an official thing. Everything is subjected to change according to time, place and relevance of situation and it should be discussed and then sort it out. TARGET POPULATION BENEFITTING FROM THE FORMATION OF SP : 1) Students who seek admission in University 2) First year students 3) Current Students 4) Alumni Benefits : 1) Students who seek admission in University    a) They should be provided with the correct details of the University and about life and education of International Students in Armenia (lot of consultancies are advertising fake news about University ) ( A blog may be created and every information should be posted and updated )  b) To provide them support in giving them information about entrance examination patterns and portions to

Indian (International) SP - Reasons for failure of Previous Unions (and Solutions ) (2)

In this article, I am going to analyse the reasons for failure of formation of  Previous Student Unions and Parliament among Indians specifically .  There had been many instances taken to form a separate SP for Indians in University , Students at that time , tried their level best. But , the time spent in developing it or making it reach the student themselves was not possible. ( It remained like a Some Regional and State Governments fighting within themselves for power and never really worried about farmers or people ( pun intended ) ). There had been instances to form facebook groups within specific peoples, for sharing informations and to stay united. There had also been instances , where people joined hands for Chennai flood, Christmas and Diwali Celebrations by themselves for a cause. But , that didnot last for long. (img courtesy : pixabay ) REASONS FOR FAILURE OF PREVIOUS UNIONS : 1) Fluctuation of number of Students admitted every year. There is no rule for the Univer

Indian (International) SP - Why do we need a Separate Student Parliament ?

Indian Students in Yerevan (International Students, in general ) , need a student body to represent themselves , get their rights and to take part in the decision making process in student education policy and other aspects in the Medical University. There were lot of attempts to make it possible , but all ended up in vain. This set of  articles are bit lengthy and I tried to analyse the reasons for the failure . I also tried to do a model and suggestions regarding the formation of Parliament (Union). WHY DO WE NEED A SEPARATE PARLIAMENT ?    (image courtesy: ) 1) As a part of the Student Society in Armenia ( atleast in Medical University ) , our thoughts, ideas and hearings should be heard and we also should be a part of formation of "Our Educational Policy "  Armenian Student Parliament in our University, has its own body and it plays a role in the formation of Armenian and International Student's Educational Policy (some Indians

Attestation from the Indian Embassy.

After your documents are apostilled by Department of State Authentication and Apostille Services , you have to get it attestated from the Indian Embassy. Getting your Diploma and Marksheet (Medical School Transcript ) attestated from the Indian Embassy is optional, as India is in Hague Convention. "Attestation" sheet issued by International Co-operation Department (YSMU) , should be attestated by the Indian Embassy for its validity. Its better to get attestation of Marksheet (Medical School Transcript ) and Diploma from the embassy , as some places ( like MCI or State Medical Councils or Teaching Hospitals ) may ask for it . Pre-requistee : Your documents needed to be apostilled by Department of Authentication and Apostille services before submitted Documents needed to be submitted : 1) Filled Application form 2) Diploma 3) Marksheet (medical school transcript ) 4) Attestation sheet 5) diploma photocopy 6) Marksheet photocopy 7) Attestation sheet photocopy 8)

Apostille from the Department .

After you got your certificates, it is necesarry to get your diploma apostilled, to make sure your documents are provided by the valid authority. Before the Hague convention of Apostille, we have to get our documents Legalized from the Country (which we studied from /got our certificates ) and then legalize it /attestate it by the Country we are going to work or study further . But now, after the Hauge convention was signed , it  abolished getting multiple legalisation for separate countries and making it as one Apostille.  "Apostille only certifies the signature, the capacity of the signer and the seal or stamp it bears. It does not certify the content of the document for which it was issued " Apostille Convention There are 113 countries, which have signed the Convention. The left out parties (countries) , notable ones are Canada , Middle eastern Islamic Republics like Saudia Arabia, etc . (Oman is in Hague convention). Fortunately, India is in the convention and Apo

Certificates issued after Graduation.

After you have graduated or passed from the University, you will be given few extra certificates besides your diploma ( Graduation Certificate ).  The Certificates issued by the Deans office of Foreign affairs, after few days of graduation are : 1) Diploma ( Graduation Certificate , printed in Armenian, Russian and English ) 2) Marksheet or Medical School Transcript ( which contains marks for subjects ) 3) Transfer / No Objection Certificate 4) Character Certificate / Performance Evaluation Certificate ( Describing how well you have performed in your examinations and practical skills ) 5) Certificate which describes about your academic absences (gaps between years of study ) and whether you have repeated your course 6) Score Equivalance Certificate ( equating your marks to performance ) 7) Original Certificates ( Birth Certificate (if you have given them), Acknowledgement Certificate, 10th, 11th , 12th certificates, Community Certificate , Transfer Certificate from school )

Police Certificate

After graduating from the university , Certificate from the Police is said to be necessary . I dont know the real reason for getting it.  I even asked to some seniors, they even dint knew the reason. They think, it may be needed for either mci or the regional state medical councils. I speculate, that it is something like non-objection certificate from the State or Country's Police Department about our character and we dont have any criminal cases  and proof of the "Attestation " paper issued by University (photos are given below ) So, better to spend a few bucks now, rather than to come here again , if needed. Approaching for the certificate : Show the following paper to the following places mentioned below to make them understand what we need . Documents which are needed to be submitted: 1) Passport copy (with originals to show , if asked ) 2) Resident card copy (with originals to show if asked ) 3) Contract / certificate from university ( Usually they wont a